Monday, August 26, 2013

Letter B

Show & Tell:
Everyone got into show & tell this week and came up with SO MANY things that started with B! They were confident as they stood and shared with the class and gave us a great opportunity to introduce the sound of the week!

Arts & Crafts:
using coffee filters, clothespins, googly eyes, pipecleaners and markers! They were all so creative with their designs and made beautiful Butterflies!

Handwriting & Coloring:
We played Pictionary on the whiteboard with things that started with the letter B!
Bears & Balloons & Babies and more! We have quite a little group of artists:)
They also did a great job on their handwriting and coloring worksheets! We will be focusing on coloring inside the lines for the first while and as their finger muscles strengthen, their handwriting will follow! You should see improvement in their handwriting within a couple of months!

Balloon Bouncing!
We bounced the balloon around in circle time from one friend to the next & each person had to come up with a word that started with the letter B! We came up with quite a few!

Outdoor Activity:
Our outdoor Bubble Fun was interrupted by some nasty ants biting our ankles:( So we quickly moved our Bubble Fun indoors! We continued our fun and the ants should be taken care of before they come back to preschool again-SORRY!!

I was able to finish a pre assessment on every child, just to see where they are at with letters and number recognition, letter sounds, colors & shapes! Their tests are in their green binders, if you are interested in their results...but it was more for me to see where each child is at & where I can help push and challenge them this year! 
Our first focus for EVERY child, will be writing their NAME ! Please work on this at home as well and if they are interested in writing with a pencil, try a crayon or a marker or let them paint their name! Any practice will help:)