Collecting Sticks for our "Campfire Craft"...
Gluing stick on their paper...
Cutting up their "fire" that they colored Red, Yellow & Orange...
and gluing their flames on...
Game: "Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?"
Outdoor Play: Coloring with Chalk!
"Copy Cat"---following the leader's actions...
Physical Education: Crab Walk
I have no idea, but this picture made me laugh! :)
Fine motor skills activity: picking up a pencil with a Clothespin...
Journals: decorating a Christmas tree...
Other activities we did...
Activity: "Crocodile, crocodile, who has the crocodile"
Science: Talked about clouds and how they move
Color Mixing---what colors can make new colors when mixed together
Book: Cloudy with a chance of meatballs-read out loud
If you give a mouse a cookie-listened to audio of the story