Tuesday, March 30, 2010

E is for Easter!

This week we are CELEBRATING EASTER with a big EASTER EGG HUNT coming up on Thursday!!!

We talked about the letter "E" today & the different sounds it can make!
Singing time was fun & full of Excercise, as each child was the LEADER & everyone else had to FOLLOW their ACTIONS!

Snack Time was extra fun, because they Enjoyed a cupcake along with their goldfish!

Then we made our very own EASTER bunny cupcakes to take home...
They each took a turn adding ingredients & mixing the batter until smooth. After the cupcakes had baked & cooled...we frosted & added Easter Bunny faces...

C0mplete with Ears...Our Easter Bunny Friends...

Get ready to have an EXCITING EGG HUNT on Thursday!!!